8:00 - 16:30

Mon - Fri


Imagine Social Outcomes Based Bond


The programme, branded as Imagine, attempts to address the need to intervene in the unique sexual and reproductive challenges faced by AGYW in the South African context


South Africa


3 years

Outcomes payment metrics

  • Number HIV-, sexually active AGYW who received PrEP per quarter.
  • Number of HIV+ AGYW on ART
  • Number of sexually active AGYW on contraception
  • Number of pregnant AGYW attending first antenatal appointment before 20 weeks

Total Outcomes Funding available

Outcomes funders

South African National Treasury via the Departments of Social Development and Health


Rand Merchant Bank


South African Medical Research Council




Year 1 of implementation

Further resources




The P4P initiative is designed to accelerate the transitions of excluded South African youth into growth sectors of the economy through alternative methods of skilling and training. The implementers all implement skilling programs that are quicker, cheaper and more demand driven than traditional programs.


Transition excluded black South African youth into high value jobs. Employment contract of minimum 12 months duration in the growth sectors identified



In development

Impact Bond Innovation Fund


The Western Cape Foundation for Community Work (FCW) is a development and resource ECD organization that promotes the holistic development of children within the context of their families and communities, through innovative, integrated, and sustainable interventions and programmes.


  • Recruitment and Retention. Successful recruitment and retention (until programme mid-year) of beneficiaries on the programme. Paid per qualifying beneficiary.
  • Attendance. Beneficiaries attending at least 50% of the programme over the course of the year. Paid per qualifying beneficiary. 
  • Development Assessment. Average Early Learning Outcome Measure (ELOM) score for the entire cohort that is 0.2. standard deviations of the mean higher than what is normal for South African children in the same age and quintile


Western Cape Foundation for Community Work (FCW)



Wildlife conservation


The World Bank will make payments through the Global Agent to the Park Managers in installments to fund rhino conservation in the form of Conservation Investment Payments totaling ZAR 152 million. These Conservation Investment Payments will be utilized by the Park Managers to implement conservation and adaptive management activities that seek to maximize net rhino growth rates over five years.


  • The World Bank will pay a Conservation Success Payment to Noteholders at maturity, which will be determined based on the rhino population growth rate. If the final rhino population growth rate is ≤ 0%, there is no conservation success payment for investors.
  • If the final rhino population growth rate is 0% < X ≤ 2%, investors will receive USD 36.69 for every USD 1000 that they invested in the project.
  • If the final rhino population growth rate is 2% < X ≤ 4%, investors will receive USD 73.38 for every USD 1000 that they invested in the project.
  • If the final rhino population growth rate is > 4%, investors will receive USD 91.73 for every USD 1000 that they invested in the project.The maximum Conservation Success Payment is US$13.76 million.


