8:00 - 16:30

Mon - Fri



About Us

What we do

invest4health is a South African Medical Research Council-led programme that seeks to become an African Centre of Excellence for high impact outcomes-based financing and contracting in the public health sector in Africa.

invest4health is focused on promoting innovative financing mechanisms and outcomes-based contracting approaches to address some of Africa’s most pressing health and related social development challenges.

invest4health aims to improve the quality and equity of health outcomes in Africa by providing an effective platform for researching, testing, institutionalising and scaling outcomes-based contracting models.

invest4Health recognises the importance of partnerships in outcomes-based financing and seeks to convene a fit-for purpose mix of funders, investment partners, service providers, policy makers and intermediaries to solve complex health and social challenges.

invest4health will be run by a small team of specialists in the SAMRC, in collaboration with a trusted group of African technical organisations and global development partners and guided by an experienced strategic advisory group of independent experts, government and private sector representatives.

Why an I4H Centre of Excellence?

Centres of Excellence are specialised hubs that bring together experts, know-how and tools to solve complex problems and promote excellence in a particular field.

Vision, Mission & Values


A healthy nation through effectively funded and designed health programmes.


To improve health outcomes by researching and testing outcomes-based approaches.


Justice, equity, improving health outcomes