8:00 - 16:30
Mon - Fri
SAMRC leads the generation of new knowledge concerning the design,implementation, and evaluation of Social Impact Bonds to improve health outcomes in South Africa
WebsiteThe National Treasury has a keen interest in outcomes based contracting (OBC) and will closely follow the work of Invest4Health in OBC for health
The Department of Science & Innovation provides the outcomes funding for the novel Imagine Social Impact Bond and is a key partner in the promotion of new and innovative ideas.
WebsiteThe National Department of Health is mandated with improving health status through the prevention of illnesses and the promotion of healthy lifestyles and to consistently improve the healthcare delivery system by focusing on access, equity, efficiency, quality and sustainability.
WebsiteGenesis Analytics Health Practice has extensive knowledge of the HIV and public health landscape in South Africa and the SADC region. Genesis provides expertise on M&E, cost effectiveness and efficiciency of the impact bonds and will assist in facilitation of the Learning Agenda and Network.
The Bertha Centre situated at the University of Cape Town provides research support for public policy makers as well as access to the private sector stakeholders with a keen interest in impact investing.
WebsiteThe Networking HIV&AIDS Community of Southern Africa or NACOSA is a network of organizations working across HIV and TB programmes and is experienced in the provision of HIV prevention and treatment services to vulnerable population groups like Adolescent Girls and Young Women.
WebsiteRand Merchant Bank is a corporate and investment bank in South Africa that fosters innovation and seeks investments that are aligned to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.
WebsiteIntellidex works towards building investor and private sector knowledge through research and publications and consulting services
Innovation Guru is appointed as the Performance Manager for the Imagine SOBC.
Bowmans is a legal firm with expertise in a multitude of sectors and provides advice on regulatory affairs for their wide variety of clients.
The Global Fund for HIV, TB and Malaria has been instrumental in providing core funding for the i4h initiative as well as the development costs for the Imagine SIB, which provide the foundation for the future project pipeline.
WebsiteSocial Finance UK is a crucial partner in provision of financial modelling expertise for the Imagine SIB and other outcomes based contracts for i4h.
The Government Outcomes Lab is a research and policy centre at the University of Oxford focused on how governments partner with other sectors to improve social outcomes.